Placing a Flat Wanted ad

Why post a Flat Wanted ad?

It's easy to search FindaFlat for the latest properties to rent but it's also worth taking the time to post a Flat Wanted ad. By advertising yourself as a potential tenant you'll make it easier for landlords with suitable properties to find you and contact you with information on suitable flats and houses. Your details will also be included in email alerts to relevant landlords, making it easier for the right property to find you, even when you don't have the time to search.

Won't I just get bombarded by emails from landlords and agents?

By specifying your requirements in your ad it'll mean only people searching for those things will find you. We don't give out or sell lists of potential tenants to anyone - we simply enable people with properties that match your needs to contact you, making your search easier.

Does it cost anything?

You can post an ad for free on FindaFlat. Bold upgrades are available to help you promote your as within our listings. See Our services for more information on Bold Advertising.

How do I post my ad?

It really couldn't be easier. To post your free Flat Wanted ad just click the link or select 'Post ad' from the menu at the top.

Need any help?

@ Contact us by email or
Call us on 0161 768 1162