Looking for a flat?
Private rentals
Most of the big property sites only allow listings from agents. As at least a third of UK landlords don't use agents to manage their properties this means there are thousands of great properties you won't find on them. FindaFlat allows you to search for private rentals throughout the UK. We understand that some tenants don't want to rent through an agent and pay the fees this entails so renting from a private landlord is the preferred option for many.
Search now
Either use the search form at the left of the home page or
Click on the Search tab at the top and use the form to search
for flats and houses to rent across London and the UK.
Email alerts
Either Post an ad or set up a Saved Search and you can then set up email alerts to notify you of any new properties matching your requirements.
Post a
flat wanted advert
Click on the Post ad link and then Flat Wanted,
fill out your search profile and create a wanted ad. This will help landlords looking for tenants to find you and contact you with details of their property.
You can use FindaFlat free of charge to find a flat or house to rent. Our newest ads are reserved for a 7 day period for our Earlybird users. Prices for Earlybird access are:
- 7 days: £12.99
- 14 days: £23.99
- 28 days: £25.98
- 6 months: £99
- 1 year: £149
Got a flat to let?
Private landlords
Most of the big property sites won't let you advertise your private rental properties. FindaFlat is different - we believe private landlords shoud have the same advertising options as agents.
Advertise your
You can advertise your flat online for 28 days free of charge. For nominal costs (see below) you can also
make your advert bold, so that your ad appears higher up the listings (on average doubling your enquiries). Just click on the Post ad tab at the top to get started.
Search flats
Click on the Search option at the top of the page or use the search form on the left to search our flats wanted ads and be pro-active in seeking out tenants who are looking for properties in your area.
Bold advertising
You can use FindaFlat free of charge to advertise your flat or house to rent. Bold upgrades are also available to give your property a boost in the listings and increase response. Prices for Bold Advertising are:
- 7 days: £12.99
- 14 days: £23.99
- 28 days: £25.98
- 6 months: £99
- 1 year: £149
Multiple properties?
Got more than one property to advertise? You can add extra live 'slots' from just £14. If you have 2 slots, this means you can have any 2 adverts live at any one moment (so it's possible to have several different properties listed and make any 2 live as needed over the time period). Unlimited properties can be managed on your account if you have Bold Advertising.
If you need more than 10 listings, or would like to supply us with a data feed, please call us on 0161 768 1162.
Want to advertise Room(s) to Let?
Please visit our sister site SpareRoom